Jaimie and Josh recently had their wedding out in Grandview TX at Beaumont Ranch. It was a pretty hot day in June, but the setting for the ceremony was beautiful during sunset and the emotion of the day for them pretty much made the outside temperatures fade away. We’re so glad we were able to be there to capture the day for Jaimie and Josh and had a blast with them and all of their awesome friends and family. Check out some of our favorites from the day: This is Josh’s wedding gift to Jaimie. ^_^ Scott makes and appearance. […]


Yep yep Summer is here. Even though it feels like a hundred million degrees out, I somehow look forward to it though. Why?! Because I know we would get to see Alissa and Gage again. ^_^ We have been photographing this fun mother-son duo for the last 2 years. And of course this year is no exception, and we are not gonna miss it for anything! It’s kind of funny when I was little I would hear older people say ‘wow, you are growing up so fast!’ all the time. This time when I see Gage, that is exactly what […]


I refer to baby G as a “happy baby”. Every time I see her images online she would have the biggest smile and when I finally met her for the first time she smiled at me. She charmed me… I am in love. She is just plain adorable and I am so glad we get a chance to capture her wonderful babyhood with her parents Tammy and George. I am going to sound like a broken record here. Gabriella, you are so cute…eee.e. Tammy had said I want Gabby to remember her childhood home; her blue house. I am glad […]

WPJA: 2011 Q1 Contest Result

We are happy to share a result from the latest WPJA (The Wedding Photojournalist Association) Contest. Every year WPJA hosts the largest wedding photography competitions in the world judged by panels of award-winning photojournalists and designers and one of our images placed this time. Woo hoo… Congratulations to all the winners! We love to look through all your images and get pushed to do better each time we go out to shoot. From Beth and Russell’s wedding. Judges Comments: There is just enough glint of a beaming bride to prevent her from being lost among the celebration. How appropriate that […]


It wasn’t too long ago when we photographed Hena and Sonu’s wedding. Happy 3rd Anniversary by the way!!! ^_- This time we meet up again to celebrate another wonderful chapter in their lives. Hena and Sonu are now proud parents of Baby Caden; a calm, laid back little baby boy. Caden was born in February and now ready to ham it up for his 1st baby portrait session. Yep, a happy boy!!! Pretty eyes with super curly lashes. Oh… trouble…e. All eyes on Caden. I can feel lots of love ^_^ Training his youngling. Once again, congratulations guys!!! It’s going […]

The ISPWP Spring 2011 Wedding Photography Contest

YAY! We are happy one of our images has placed in The ISPWP Spring 2011 Wedding Photography Contest ^_^ From Lucy and Matt’s wedding: during the reception Matt was showing off his Superman underoos.


Scott and I had a great time photographing Christy, Jerry, and their babies Elliot and Allison. Christy is one of my dearest friends who I met when I moved to Dallas for school. We just get along super well, and she is like a sister to me. I am so grateful she is in my life and now our little ones get to hang out. That said, we are so glad we finally did it!!! It was a nice day when we headed out to Celebration Park in Allen. The kids enjoyed themselves and we just had fun ^_^ Elliot […]


Time sure flies by fast when you are having fun and all of the sudden little Mr.Antony turns one ^_- Andrea and Joseph held Antony’s 1st birthday party at Nick & Sam’s Grill. Antony’s little friend(s) came to celebrate with him. Mommy didn’t miss any details. Daddy is so proud of his birthday boy.


Stephanie and Daniel recently tied the knot at The Reflections on Spring Creek in Plano. It was laid back and naturally we had a great time shooting. Here here… to another wonderful wedding we are glad to be a part of. Congrats to you both!!! Let me let these photographs tell the story of the day: Starting with the girls getting ready. Just before the processional, I spotted Sienna and her daddy among all the guests. Kristin watching her daddy getting married. True shutter bug groom’s cake ;p OK, that was impressively high. Yikes! The gold bracelet pinched her… looks […]


I looked back through our email correspondence and thought this was pretty neat. The first email from Ashley “My husband and I never had proper wedding photographs, nor proper family pictures (with our 14 year old) and I am about to FINALLY get my bachelors degree in May and wanted to commemorate our 2011 life, with pictures”. It was a perfect day for a family portrait session we finally got together with Ashley, Eddie and Caleb at one of my most favorites place to shoot; The Dallas Arboretum. Oh boy, did WE have fun too! I loved every moment of […]