It’s about time!!! Jamie is Scott’s cousin and she and Joey, after dating for over 8 years are finally tying the knot early next year, and we can’t wait! We got together with them and Bentley, their dog, and had some fun at a local park in Plano. It was hard to narrow it down, but check out some of our favorites: Love this shot of Bentley looking up at them… Tem spotted this great light… Joey’s mom Nancy came with us to help keep an eye on Bentley, so when they were sitting together we got a quick portrait […]
We can’t be any happier for Christine and Matt whom we’ve met a few months ago for their portrait session. They are now expecting their first child and we have the privilege of being there to photograph the new developments ^_- We can’t wait to meet the baby and photograph him very soon. What a wonderful time! A special order shirt for Matt ^_- Genius!!! Their boxer Lola was cute! Christine really wanted this shot… Matt was on board… sort of… ^_^
A fun engagement portrait session with Stephanie and Daniel by the Arts District area. I edited all the images with a smile on my face, they were playful and we sure had fun shooting their portrait session. I feel “joyous” seeing these images and the interaction between them. We are definitely looking forward to shoot the wedding at the end of this month. Here are some of Scott’s and my favs:
We first met Jackson when he was new to the world and only a couple of weeks old. Fast forward 8 months and we got to see him again and get some fun shots with mom and dad. ^_^ Time sure flies, and he is so big and was having such a good time checking out all the neat colors and textures the Arboretum had in store for him. Here are some of our favorites from the session:
It’s true we are one of the Fearless Photographers. Yay!!! Check out FEARLESS PHOTOGRAPHERS: a new site where you can find innovative and unique wedding images. Also if any of the image move you, vote for them! We are very proud and happy our images were chosen by Fearless Photographers this round. Check them out:
We are so thrilled the Knot recently announced that one of our images is in The Knot Ultimate Wedding Lookbook. Of course, I gotta share the news ^_- Our image came from Jen and Josh’s wedding that we shot on Isla Mujeres Mexico. It is the shot of their unique looking menu. The book is now available online at The Knot Wedding Shop,, and at You’ll also find it in Barnes & Noble and Borders. Just in time for proposal season! Go check it out!!!
First of all, Happy 2nd Anniversary to Uyen and Ron! May you both have long healthy, sweet, awesome years to come. As promised, I want to share what our clients do to the files they receive with their package. Uyen designed her own wedding album and shared a few images with us earlier. Of course, I couldn’t help but want to show off her album and how excellent of a job she did. Thanks for dropping it off, I am having fun reliving the day. As times have changed a lot of people do not make or use photo prints […]
“The Wedding Photojournalist Association is pleased to announce the results of the Fourth Quarter WPJA Photography Competition. Join us as we congratulate all the winners. The 2010 Q4 Contest showcases the wedding photojournalism of WPJA members throughout the 2010 year in 18 categories. From 24,112 entries only 360 finalists were selected. Every year WPJA hosts the largest wedding photography competitions in the world judged by panels of award-winning photojournalists and designers. Competitions, which are held quarterly and open only to WPJA members, are part of the association’s commitment to upholding the highest standards in wedding photojournalism. Membership in WPJA requires […]
The other day Scott and I were talking about how blessed we are with what we get to do for a living. We talked about our clients and their weddings and what we get to shoot and the relationship we have with each couple. (THANKS for trusting us guys!!!) We often talk about our experiences to each other and what we get to see and document at weddings. We ended up talking about high-resolution files, and since we offer high-res files with all of the packages we have we wonder what can you really do with the high-res files that […]
We are proud to announce the arrival of Luke Ayrton! Our son was born happy and healthy just a few weeks ago and we’re super stoked. All hail the Leche King! Yes, that is our reason ^_- hehe. Because he brings us so much joy we want to pass it along. While our euphoria is still in full swing, and we’re sleep deprived, we want to celebrate by offering ALL OF OUR SERVICES at a 17% (he was born January 7th, therefore 17% off ^_-) discount from the regular pricing. Everything?! Yes, we mean it. We’re offering a discount on […]