Kristie and Troy had an intimate ceremony on a Saturday morning in late August at the Dallas Arboretum. Only very close friends and family were in attendance and the outpouring of love and happiness for the both of them was obvious from everyone the whole morning.

We were honored to have been able to be there to capture the emotional ceremony.

Congratulations Kristie and Troy!

Check out some of our favorites from their wedding:

The bridesmaids help situate the final touches for Kristie.

Kristie gives troy a light-hearted last minute pre-ceremony pep talk. ^_^

Tem really loves the honest portrait. She was so polite and quiet, but shy.

Troy with his mom just before the ceremony.

The kids occupying themselves with technology of course.

Kristie, her dad, and the officiant before getting ready to come down the aisle.

Troy’s vows brought big tears from Kristie.

After the ceremony we just had to grab the both of them for some quick portraits.