The Ashbrook Family

Scott and I lucked out with wonderful weather, gorgeous lighting, and an extremely lovely family on our latest family shoot of 2009.

The Ashbrook family are so much fun to shoot ;p They were very easy going, and such great sports and were game for anything. We just couldn’t ask for more.

WARNING: These images might make you want to go outside, skip around and just have fun. ^_-

We started off with Kenly inside The Filter Building.

Then Sam.

And one more of Kenly with wonderful window light.

Skip skip… Todd leading his adorable family… skip skip.

Beautiful big blue sky, green grass and people having a good time. I LOVE IT!

Aww..w isn’t the look they gave each other so sweet, or what?!

On the way to see Kenly’s row boat.

With her boat, interesting lines.

As Scott shot Sam and Erika, I shot Kenly and Todd.