Doug’s looks back

We normally choose our own favorites or images that we feel give a sense of the story of a wedding day when we do a blog post. But this is a new experiment for us. Since Doug is a photographer and keeps his own photography blog for his work, and we love that his personality comes out in his writing. So… we asked him and Brenda to take a look at their wedding day images and come up with a group of favorites, and to tell us why they loved those particular photos.

We are truly grateful that they took the time to do this for our blog, as we know it is a time consuming project. The following text is all Doug and gives us a new appreciation for what our images mean to the couples who trust us to be there to capture a wedding day and the moments within.

Once again, thank you so much guys! Here we go…

By Doug Phillips

Before I ever met my wife, I knew that I wanted Scott & Tem to photograph my wedding. They are that good. They are that sincere. They are all you could ever want in a photographer.

Several years ago when I was in college, I stumbled upon Scott & Tem’s work and was instantly hooked. As a photographer myself, their images spoke volumes to me. Anyone can perfect how a camera works, how to compose to image, or how to get a perfect exposure. Scott & Tem have those skills in spades, but they have something more…vision. They pick up on details that most would gloss over. Their creative eyes see things differently than most, and the way in which they document those fleeting moments and mementos is what makes them so special.

My wife and I had a very small wedding on Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland. There were no horse drawn carriages, limos, live bands, or 4 tiered cakes. We wanted a simple wedding and a relaxing reception amongst our closest family and friends. We had Scott & Tem document our celebration for 2 days, and as you will see, there is nothing small or simple about their coverage. Scott & Tem captured raw emotion and beauty at its best. They were not photographers…everyone felt as though they were friends who happen to carry around big cameras. That comfort level is very evident in the photos that they have presented to us.

As a photographer, I couldn’t be more proud of Scott & Tem. They were flown across the country to a location that they had never laid their eyes on before, to spend a couple of days with a bunch of strangers, and had to dodge hellish downpours just seconds before the ceremony started…and they absolutely nailed it. As customers, we couldn’t be happier with Scott & Tem. We still tear up and laugh every time we look through our images. Scott & Tem do more than take pictures…they tell a story.

Image Comments:

One of my favorite images of my father and I from that weekend. I’m happy, go-lucky…while my dad is a bundle of nerves. Very telling of the wedding process!

I’m a big fan of photographing feet, and I love that Scott & Tem picked up on the dangling digits of our wedding rehearsal spectators.

This is one of the great, light, fun moments we had while giving gifts of appreciation to our parents. Didn’t even notice Scott or Tem there.

Rings shots do not have to be a cliché. The fusion of form, fern and fungus works perfectly here.

A very tender moment between father and daughter. These 2 traveled far for our wedding, and I’m glad they could be captured like this during some down time.

My father-in-law, Jake, and I share a laugh at the expense of our full bellies. Just a great moment between us.

I love this image because it expresses exactly what I was feeling at that second, joy. I was so happy to get some time alone with my bride-to-be in our rental boat.

This is one of our favorite images…my wife calls it our “Rockstar” picture. A little off-camera flash really makes this photo pop and different.

Riding into the sunset. Great use of a wide angle lens, at a low angle, with falling light.

We didn’t get to enjoy the bonfire with our friends, so this image really sets the mood of the occasion and location.

This photo is silly, and we love it. Only someone with an eye for unusual detail would see how this lamp “fits” on Brenda’s head.

What makes this photo different is that it’s a voyeuristic split-second of humor….almost as though you were just walking by and saw this great moment.

Great form and hints of emotion in this image.

Cute, candid, and awesome color.

A great example of depth and detail…a common theme in Scott & Tem’s images.

I really like the color and leading lines here. You can almost hear the girls saying “It’s COLD in here!”

The devil is in the details…and the ducks!

An awesome moment between Brenda and her Maid of Honor, Lisa. Tearing up before the ceremony. I love the B&W treatment of this image.

The moment of truth. Rain was pounding on the roof of the house and my brother was showing me the radar on his phone. I had to decide if the ceremony was to stay outside or go inside, and I wasn’t handling the pressure well.

This photo of Jake is fantastic. It bleeds personality and the flare is awesome and tasteful.

Probably my favorite image of my father, Wayne, on that day. A subtle moment that is full of pride and color.

There was only one image that my wife had to have, and this is it. She wanted a picture of me at the exact moment that I saw her for the first time in her wedding dress. The emotions of myself, and those of my brother and father, were captured perfectly.

A perfect shot of our ceremony under the canopy of the trees. Intimate & incredible.

This is the only thing I remember seeing during the ceremony…Brenda’s beaming face. My point of view was captured perfectly from a distance.

This image captures our exciting emotions exactly as they were.

The kiss! Not your typical “down the center of the aisle” kiss picture, and that’s what makes it perfect. The intimacy, vantage point and leading lines are great here.

Love & confetti. The wide angle used for this photo really shows more of the environment and setting.

This image alone should be reason enough to hire Scott & Tem. Perfect moment. Perfect capture. True Wedding Photojournalists.

Another one of Scott & Tem’s greatest clicks. I fight back tears every time I see our friend Jessica fighting back her own tears in this photo.

My father was teary-eyed the entire day, but this photo in particular really freezes a moment of overflowing emotion & joy.

One of the first moments alone as a husband and wife. We had to hurry to catch the elusive falling light under the trees. Quite a challenge for any photographer.

The depth of field (great lens choice) and color work wonders in this intimate image.

Our first dance. Love the B&W treatment. Love the backlighting. Love the private moment between us while among a crowd.

The side lighting raking across us really picks up details and emotion as we listen to a toast.

Proof that one photo alone can set the tone and capture the setting. Great choice of a wide angle lens here to show my uncle hoisting up his beer as the antler chandeliers burn through the background.

Father & Daughter as one big bundle of joy and dance. His daughter may be married now, but Jake hasn’t lost his little girl.

Another fun dance shot. The colors and shadows really work well together in this photo.

Like so many other images by Scott & Tem, this one is candid and full of color. This one in particular, is also full of laughs between my mother and I.

Great shot of the evening’s environment, while my Best Man and best girl share a dance. Awesome backlighting .

Last dance of the big night. One slow dance between myself and my new mother-in-law, Vivian. Really like the lighting and B&W treatment of this playful moment between us.

Want to see more of Doug and Brenda’s wedding images?! Click here to see some of our favs!!!

Ok, one more image ^_- We just wanted to add this one, as I noticed that is has the both of us in it, and we’re having a good time while working. We truly enjoyed being there for Brenda and Doug and this image kind of sums it up. ^_^